Professional & Personalised Feng Shui Reports for your Home and Business Combined
In your detailed Classical Feng Shui Reports for your Home and Business, Australian Feng Shui Master Derelle Ball will cover the East/West Astrology and Fei Xing (Flying Stars) Feng Shui and Ba Zhai Feng Shui affecting the individuals living/working in your home and your business (including recommended colours and forms, bed locations, main entry, desk orientation etc), plus surrounding landform analysis and recommendations, room-by room Fei/Xing Flying Star Feng Shui recommendations, annual energy influences and Sun Ceremony dates for energising your home and business each year.
Your Feng Shui Home Report includes all family members living in your home and your Feng Shui Business Report covers up to 5 individuals working in your business premises.
Derelle's speciality is taking care of the Feng Shui for your family home and family business - it's what she most loves to focus on and you will find yourself warmly embraced into her extended fenging family :-)
Her Feng Shui Qualifications include: Landform Analysis, Advanced 8 Mansions, BaZi, Xuan Kong Da Gua, Space Clearing, Date Selection, Master Course Feng Shui Water Methods, Business Feng Shui, Dynamic Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Stars) Feng Shui and Sun/Moon Formulae for Energising the Home and Office
These On Line Feng Shui reports DO NOT include an On-Site visit by Derelle, so they can apply to any home and business around the world.
For further information on requirements needed for these reports (eg birth date & gender details, address, A4 floor plan, year of construction, clearly labelled images of interior and exterior etc) please email Derelle at: or [email protected]
Feedback from previous clients:
"Dear Derelle, I hope 2019 has been going well for you. Several years ago your FS report said 2019 would be a good year for my work etc. I want to share that you were right on the ball, I've just secured a 15 month contract on a decent income..... I'm pinching myself - yay!"
Lydia, Sydney
Mel Helensvale QLD
"Hi Derelle, I must have followed your instructions correctly!! Here are some of the things that have happened in the last 2 months:
- I’ve been offered a new job (which I’ve accepted today) – better challenges, better package!
- Our eldest son is such a model student nowadays – when he gets home, he finishes his homework before he does anything else (yep, we’re re-positioned his bed and workstation as you recommended, and the room is much more spacious now)
- My mom’s health seems to be improving too. She came here in December with back problems, but she’s better now.
Now, if only there was a way for my husband and I to lose weight….So THANK YOU for your help! All is good, and getting better!"
Warm regards,
Hi Derelle,
"Well it has been a while since your consultation and many wonderful things have occurred. My work has become heaps better - new boss who I get along with & some new job offers. My social life has improved tremendously with lots of great social evenings and fun. Financially - hmmm well it is going reasonably well - still a little more going out than coming in, but probably more about the time of year than anything else. Have been dating some - been lovely to be out there again. Have been walking each night and eating more healthily, so that has improved as well. So, all in all, I am completely convinced that you have helped tremendously, so thank you!"
Hi Derelle,
"I wanted to thank you so much for your advice when you came to my home earlier in the year. After implementing your advice for the ‘Peach Blossom’ my relationship with my partner improved almost overnight. He has now moved into my home and our relationship is going very well. I have finally purchased an indoor water fountain to place in the alcove you recommended and within two days I had lovely new tenants for my investment property which had been sitting vacant with limited interest for over a month. Thank you so much again"
"When you sent me the report I read that It would be best for me to travel and study before November the 8th. Last Sunday this inspired me to do what I have wanted to do for about 10 years and go study yoga. Its almost like everything lined up for me and now I have everything organised to enjoy a month of yoga in Rishikesh in India. Thank you again for your help Derelle I don’t think I would be following my highest excitement without your help. I am forever grateful Namaste"
Kind Regards
AB, Cairns
"Good morning my lovely Derelle, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! For you clarification of my questions & also for giving me a response I could easily understand. I changed my bedroom around and OMG it looks amazing, I have so much more room & I slept so well last night, for the first time on a long time. Let’s hope I can tap into the energy from this angle. I really appreciate your help with this. I means a lot".
LJ Thornlands